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happy birthday, rachel!


Rachel turns 25 today... yipee! There are just so many reasons I love this girl.

I'm pretty sure our friendship was fate, pre-destined, god's will, written in the stars... however you prefer to say it. Rachel is one of the most incredible friends I could ever ask for. She listens to me talk of my misfortunes for hours and she never makes me feel weird. She's funny as shit. If you're around her for more than a day you're almost guaranteed an impromptu musical performance. We both get giddy over 80's music, especially Hall and Oates... yup, we like them. She is driven by our natural world and the beauty that exists outside of four walls, which to me is such a wonderful and enlightening quality to have. She has a soft spot for words and writing. I must say that I am pretty impressed with her work. She is willing to discuss weighty topics with me- and logically. I really love that about her because I don't have many people in my life that are willing to take that extra step in pursuing a higher level of consciousness. I haven't met a person who doesn't like Ms. Rachel, and I doubt I ever will. Thanks for always being my sunshine little lady... I love you!


Jennifer Burt said...

Such a lovely tribute to your friendship! Happy birthday, Rachel!

krista shows said...


Rachel said...

:) miss you tons

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